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,,Verk Helgu eru margslungin. Öðrum þræði byggir hún á afstrakt-expressjón, hefð sem hefur verið rík í málverkinu á síðari hluta tuttugustu aldarinnar, en á hinn bóginn má geina í verkum hennar sterka tilfinningu fyrir náttúru og landslagi. Helga býr yfir mikilli tækni og nær að byggja upp mikla spennu og dýpt í myndum sínum, en aðall hennar er samt hin næma tilfinning fyrir náttúruformum og birtuhrifum. Myndtúlkun hennar hefur verið í örri þróun og hefur verið spennandi að fylgjast með henni frá einni sýningu til annarrar." (Jón Proppé)
Helga Egilsdóttir (b.1952) studied in Denmark, Iceland and the United States. Her large-scale abstractions reveal an organic world of forms and hues, though with remarkably little use of colour. But though she uses only a narrow spectrum of colour in her recent paintings, they seem to present the viewer with a full range of emotions and gradations, not least because of Helga's expert brushwork and mastery. Her paintings are often inspired by nature, as can sometimes be seen from their titles, but in fact their association with nature is only incidental. From nature, she derives a study of from that transcends any representation and gives the viewer an insight into the very nature of painting itself, its possibilities and the endless worlds that can emerge on the canvas.
By denying herself the a fuller palette of colours, Helga in fact emphasises the expressive potential of the painting. Not only do her paintings no need any reference to nature, they can even achieve a full range of expression with only the most basic colours and forms.